Function help

  • A Clide-JS plugin that prints help information on execution if the -h or --help flags are present or when a usage error occurs and skips actual execution.

    If there's a usage error, and the help flag is not present, the usage error will also be printed and set as the command's result.


    Returns {
        description?: string;
        init: (context: Context) => MaybePromise<boolean>;
        meta?: AnyObject;
        name: string;
        version: string;

    • Optionaldescription?: string
    • init: (context: Context) => MaybePromise<boolean>

      Initialize the plugin.

    • Optionalmeta?: AnyObject

      Additional metadata about the plugin that doesn't fit in the standard fields.

      Note: Plugin info on the Context object will be frozen after the plugin is initialized. However, the freeze is shallow, so the fields of this object will be mutable by default.

    • name: string
    • version: string